Corporate Real Estate & Facilities Digital Enterprise

The second blog post is always really hard to pen down. The thought process has to align with the topics one would want to cover. So, I’ve finally got around thinking about the various topics to write about and I have decided that writing about the Corporate Real Estate & Facilities Digital Enterprise is a wise thing to do in this digital era, and my hope is that this blog will make everyone within the community think harder about where we want to take the CREF technology in the new era.

This blog will be a series featuring six different blogs. Each blog will cover a specific area within the framework towards building a Digital Enterprise and each blog will add to the previous ones to build a complete picture.

Now, one solution does not fit all scenarios, so treat this just as a ‘Framework’ on which various other solutions could be based. Also, this framework mostly deals with areas extending beyond the TRIRIGA system boundaries, and for that, it is a solution based on TRIRIGA rather than just TRIRIGA as a solution.

The diagram below highlights the building blocks which will collectively form the framework for the Digital Enterprise:

Figure 1: Corporate Real Estate & Facilities Digital Enterprise Building Blocks

CREF Digital Enterprise Building Blocks

Corporate Real Estate and Facilities Digital Enterprise Building Blocks

As mentioned earlier, the framework won’t cover the actual functional areas in detail and I intend to cover solutions based on the functional areas at a later stage.

Another piece of disclaimer is that the blog articles are neither technical in nature, nor they are fully business case driven. The blogs are targeted equally at Solution Architects as well as Business Leaders.

So without further ado, here you go:

Corporate Real Estate & Facilities Digital Enterprise:

(links to be updated soon)

As usual, any suggestion / feedback is always welcome.

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Posted in Deep Dive
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